Global network of non-profits running Tor relays
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” (Art. 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
What we do
- Organising relay operator meetups to strengthen the community and support each other.
- Point of contact for press and politics.
- As a RIPE member we provide private and stable IPs to our partners.
- Contact persons for potential new relay operators. Contact us if you think a about becoming or starting a relay operating organisation.
- Outreach work, e.g. lectures, panel discussion, etc.
- Appling for funding money and distribute it among our partners.
- Helping to find lawyers and support for relay operators in trouble with the authorities.
Latest blog posts
Contributions and Support Pledges is being supported by many many individuals (thanks!) and has received institutional support from: